This area of the admin allows you control the fields that are avaiable on a form and to sync the customer details based on the forms submitted data to a Shopify customer and modify the "Submit" button text.
To add and edit the forms fields and options that can be selected by the user, do the following:
Navigate to the admin of Sign Customiser for your store.
Click on "Customisers" on the home menu.
Click on the customiser you wish to edit.
Click on "forms" in the left-hand side navigation menu.
Scroll down until you see the card title "Field", The following options are available:
Default/Customer: Toggle between these two options. When "Default" is selected, the submitted information will be sent to the designated form recipient email address. Choosing "Customer" will add the submitted email address to your Shopify Customer data.
Add new field: This option allows you to introduce a new field to the current form.
Modify the text of the submit button.
Click and hold on the drag on each field to drag-drop it.
The minus icon allows to remove the field.
Forms allows 12 different field types for you to build your form: First Name, Last Name, Email, Single-line Text, Multi-line Text, Phone, Dropdown, Date, Number, Checkbox, Multi-choice, and File Upload.