How to best utilize a simple letter model system
Consideration 1:
Create and assign a more expensive pricing tier to the fonts that are skinny or have a greater height as they would be likely to use more material when using a fixed width model pricing system and therefore might be more expensive in terms of manufacturing cost.
Consideration 2:
Play with different combinations of fonts and min/max character limits per size to see which ones work well within your set sizes and character ranges. Sometimes even replacing a font might be a better option.
Consideration 3:
Limit certain fonts to only be available for certain larger sizes and above, please view the instructions below.
Instructions to limit certain fonts to a minimum size
- Navigate to the admin of Sign Customiser for your store
- Click on "Customisers" in the home menu
- Click on the customiser you wish to edit
- Click on fonts in the left-hand side navigation
- Click on the font you want to limit to larger sizes
Scroll to the Limit this font to a size and above (optional) section
- Pick the minimum size that you would like your font to be available for.
- Click on the Save button at bottom of the form.