You can configure your advanced letter model customiser to show or hide the custom sizing and preset options to your customers.
To show the preset sizes and the custom size option at the same time do the following.
Navigate to the admin of Sign Customiser on your store.
Click on "Customisers" in the home menu
Click on the customiser you wish to edit
Click on Sizes
Scroll down until you see the "Custom sizing" card
Make sure the input labelled "Hide the other sizes" is set to "Show all sizes"
hit save.
To show only the custom size option and hide the preset sizings do the following.
Navigate to the admin of Sign Customiser on your store.
Click on "Customisers" in the home menu
Click on the customiser you wish to edit
Click on Sizes
Scroll down until you see the "Custom sizing" card
Make sure the input labelled "Hide the other sizes" is set to "Only show custom sizing"
hit save.