Add to cart and checkout behaviour

Our app has three unique behaviors that can occur after a product has been added to cart. 

Straight to cart

Redirects user to the cart page

Straight to checkout

Redirects customer to the checkout page

Cart Window or custom integration

Use this when you want your mini-cart, slide out cart to open after the product has been added to cart. Most themes mini-carts and slide-out carts will work when this option is enabled.

If the mini-cart or slide-out cart does not show then you can create a javascript event listener for our custom event.

How to create a javascript event listener for our custom event

a custom javascript event called triggerUpdateCart will fire right after the product has successfully been added to the customers cart.

To provide your own integration with this custom event here is an example of how you might create your function.


document.addEventListener('triggerUpdateCart', function(evt) {


document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('added:ajaxProduct', {

detail: evt.detail




How to change behavior after adding to cart

1. In the app dashboard, please click on Customiser which you want to edit:

2. On the Customiser Page, click on Settings on the right side of the screen and click General:

3. Click on Action after product is added to cart and change to the option that you desire

4. At the bottom of the form click Save.

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