Supplier / Manufacturer Emails

Sign Customiser allows you to automatically send an email with all the required details for your manufacturer to build the custom signs each time an order is created on your store. 

To use this feature, you must be on any plan other than Starter / Standard.

Modify Email Template

Every customiser you create using our app has its own email template, which you can modify specifically for that customiser.

To modify the manufacturer email template do the following:

  1. Navigate to the admin of Sign Customiser for your store
  2. Click on "Customisers" in the home menu
  3. Click on the customiser you wish to edit
  4. Click on "Manufacturer email" in the left-hand side menu
  5. In this admin section you will be able to change the email address for manufacturer emails for instructions on how to do so follow this guide. Change email address for manufacturer emails
  6. You can now change the contents of the email template by modifying the content in the "Manufacturer email template". This input uses mustache for logicless template that allows you to include HTML and the manufacturer email specific variables.
  7. Click save at the bottom of the form once you are done.

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