Font characters and minimum height

The minimum height for font characters can only be adjusted using the advanced letter model.

The minimum height of the smallest character will always be assigned to the shortest character in a given combination of characters.

The system will scale any single character down to the minimum height when presented by itself. For example, the height of 'a' or 'b' will be the same when they are the only characters used for the sign, despite the character 'b' being a taller character.

However, when the following character combination, such as ‘ab’, is used for the sign, then the height of the sign will scale to a size where the ‘a’ character is given minimum height and ‘b’ would have a height relative to ‘a’.

Further Explanation:

Let's start with the word "google", this is a great word to use since it has what you would call an ascender ("l") and a descender ("g") that reaches a font's highest and lowest point and a base letter like "o".

If the min-height of the smallest letter was set to 5cm the following outcomes for height would be shown in the measurements.

  • The min-height for the smallest letter applies to the shortest letter on the word. In the word "google" this would be the letter "o" at a height of 5cm
  • Adding "g" adds on top of that minimum height makes the height now 10cm
  • Adding the "l" would further increase the height to 17cm

How to set the minimum height of lowercase and uppercase font characters

  1. Navigate to the admin of Sign Customiser on your store
  2. Click on "Customisers" in the home menu
  3. Click on the customiser you wish to edit
  4. Click on "Fonts" in the left-hand side menu
  5. Click on the font that you want the minimum size to of the sign to be set for
  6. Scroll down until you see "Minimum height of uppercase" and "Minimum height of lowercase" inputs. This is where you can set a value of both the uppercase and lowercase characters e.g. 6cm and 10cm respectively, now when that font is selected by a customer the sign heights minimum size will be that value.
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