Sign Customiser provides 2 different shipping price options: Flat and Volumetric Weight.
To set up Shipping Price, from your customizer editor page,
navigate to Pricing from the side menu
Edit your pricing rules.
On the pricing editor page, you will find the Shipping Price Method option.
Choose either Flat or Volumetric Weight.
Shipping price feature is currently only available with Advanced Model Customizers
Shipping price feature is available with both Neon Sign and Channel Letter Sign
Flat (cm²)
With the Flat shipping option, you will set a shipping rate for each cm² of the the square of the sign. and the app will calculate the Shipping price based on the square of the sign.
On the Sign Range section, click on any Size Range to edit the range's shipping price rule.
A pop-up will appear allowing to set up the rate per cm²