Letter Types
Letter types are a grouping of configurable letter parts only available for channel type customisers.
Letter types allows you to unique combinations of letter signs such 3D illuminated acrylic letters, Multi-layer backboard acrylic letters or 2D metal signs.
You can assign more than one letter type to a sign customiser.
For more information about letter parts, please visit this article.
How to create a letter type
- Navigate to the admin on Sign Customiser on your store.
- Click on "Customisers"
- Click on the customiser you wish to edit.
- On the left-hand side menu click on Letter Types
- Click on "Add new letter type"
You will now be taken to a new page where you add letter parts to your Letter Type. A letter part allows you to assign textures/colours and pricing to the side of a letter or other optional element that makes up a channel letter.
You can Add a label and description of the letter type by scrolling to the bottom of the page where you can see the "Letter type settings." card.
- After making your changes click save at the bottom of the form.